May 02, 2011

Why I'm not Blogging Much

This picture pretty much explains how busy I am. I have 3 other kids I'm homeschooling, a giant dust producing farm house to clean, chicken coops that need need cleaning and a garden that needs preparing. Oh, have I mentioned that I'm also training to run a 1/2 Marathon,doing the shopping and running the kids to and from their activities ??

I have a bunch of pictures and thoughts to share but I don't have much time during the morning afternoon or evening to sit down for 1/2 hour to write. I just uploaded a bunch of pictures and I've left Audrey now for 10 minutes to her own devices.
The above picture was a result of me allowing her upstairs for 5 minutes before going to get her.

I would blog at night but I would much rather flop on the couch or talk to my husband.

So there you have it....My life ;) It's fun and exciting and I'm happy. Just busy. Feel free to call me and chat. I can do sooo much more while on the phone!

love me ;)

1 comment:

Dad said...

So what do you do for the rest of the day?