January 05, 2009

It's Good to Be Supported

The girls and I took off to the local rink today to go skating with a bunch of other homeschoolers.

It was JUST what I NEEDED.

I've been feeling lonely lately. Not that I don't have wonderful friends. I've just been feeling alone in the Homeschooling department. Well that could be because I am. There just is not a lot of people around homeschooling their little ones (my oldest is only in grade 1). I don't have anyone to bounce my fears and concerns off of, or anyone who really understands what I am doing here.

Needless to say it was nice to be among like minded people today. Around some wonderful ladies who have slightly older children and who are thriving in the homeschooling thing. It was also nice for them to share with me how alone they felt when they first started off as well, and to share some of the struggles they had.

As much as I LOVE the friends I HAVE and would not give them up for ANYTHING....it was nice to feel 'NORMAL' today. Not that I'm really normal in other categories ;)

So important to have support from someone other than my wonderful husband.

I seriously don't know how people did back before the internet and monthly magazines. Before all the support there is to be found now. I suppose maybe some felt isolated...or gave up altogether.

Well I'm not giving up yet....at least not today ;)


Anonymous said...


Nice pic ;)

Carey said...

Hang in there. Im glad to hear you found some support. It is so important.