April 26, 2007

The Waiting Place

This week is a week for endings. Other than the ending of this pregnancy which by the way feels like it will NEVER happen, so many other things seem to be coming to an END.

There is ladies coffee hour that I attend every wednesday morning at church, and our small group bible study that we host in our home and enjoy so much. Last night was the final night of Pioneer Clubs that I have run for the past two years... my baby sitter is graduating high school and moving on to college... my friend is going overseas to afghanistan....I've read every book that I set out to read....I am finished all my little projects that need finishing...I've bought most things that I can for the new house, and planned all I can that needs planning.

Hrmph.....so now what?

I think I know the answer to that. God is allowing me to finish things so I can now move on to a different phase of my life. I am ending things here in this city so I don't leave one foot behind while we start new on the farm in a few weeks. O.K so I understand that and thank you for that. I would probably be overwhelmed today if I had too much on my plate going on and too much unfinished business. I guess I just feel as though now I have too much time on my hands to sit and wait for contractions to start. Too much time to reflect on the wonderful experiences and good times I've had here... and miss all of them.

It all feels very anti-climactic. I'm reminded of the Dr.Seuss Book 'Oh the Places You'll Go' where it talks about the dreaded waiting place.....where people are just waiting for stuff to happen.

Hmmm...I need to get busy maybe?? I mean really...my house needs a thorough dusting and I could pack some more boxes but that is just not as exciting as a new baby coming or entering your new home for the first time.

So today I am going to sulk a little....and just continue to be patient and wait. After all in a couple of weeks it will be a whirlwind of babies,paint,boxes and exhaustion so I'm not going to sulk too long. Instead I think I'll take a nap.

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