April 12, 2009

Easter Renewal

Here are a FEW of my favorite pictures from the weekend. We have had so many visitors and so much fun.

Easter is seriously my favorite holiday.

It is the only holiday where I don't feel the need to put on an elaborate fancy meal, or feel obligated to buy presents.

Instead it is filled with egg hunts, easter baskets, church, brunch, friends and fun suppers.

I feel refreshed and ready for spring. Ready to find out if we are having a boy or a girl at the end of the week.
Ready for the sun and the outdoor chores.
Ready for renewal.

Oh...and since Easter has come and gone, I suppose so has my 40 day blogging break. So what have I learned or done?
I've learned that when I'm feeling shitty about myself or my life, to just sit back and refocus on my family. I learned to turn off the computer and reconnect with the things that give ME joy. It is so easy to try to escape what is bothering me by turning on the computer and diving into other peoples lives.
I've learned that my life is perfectly wonderful the way it is...flaws and all...Although I kinda knew that the entire time ;)


Sara said...

Your Easter post brought tears to my eyes. I'm going through a difficult time and found your words inspiring and something to strive for. Love the pics, it's hard not to be thankful with such beautiful children! Can't wait to hear the news!

tammi said...

I wonder sometimes if that's exactly the same problem I have with blogging ~ it has gone from being a hobby to becoming a form of escape. NOT healthy. I wouldn't be able to handle not blogging for 40 days, but maybe I'll have to give your approach to a blogging break a try. I think it would do me some good, too.

momofthecrazies said...

Your kids are adorable!! Can't wait to hear about #4!

Unknown said...

Good lesson learned!