August 08, 2008

Mish Mash

I'm not sure how I did it, but I just uploaded pics on my Nikon D40 that have not been uploading since Peyton's First birthday in May!!!! I'm not sure if I'll be able to find them again, so I'll give you are mish mash of pics just in case. Yay me. are a couple of pics that I have been trying to share with you...and talk about.

There is more, but these are more recent.

This was a note posted on my bedroom door one morning. I told her that once she could spell all that correctly, then her request 'may' be granted.

If you are having trouble it says... " I do not want to do reading. I do not want to do Spelling. Love Lara." AND "Sorry that I broke your candle bowl. But I fixed it. Love Lara. "

Here is Lara on her 6th Birthday in the beginning of June. Apparently Horses are now her obsession.

This is the Park in the Inlet that is surrounded by the Yachty Yachts. I love the fence. Keeps a wandering little buddy enclosed ;)

Speaking of wandering buddies. Here they are looking at the water. A huge freighter just sailed past. (we live next to the St.Lawrence Seaway)....Yes the girls dressed themselves this morning, and yes Peyton is in his Jammie's, and no he does not have shoes on. Third'on. This is our backyard now. The Cow corn is now 10-12 Feet!!! It is kind of ridiculous. Can you see the row of sweet corn I planted in front of it? It is half the size!! In front of that are weeds of course...which our neighbor graciously just 'bush hogged' for us. Thanks Lester.
This is a Robin Lara made the other day. Seriously...I could not have done a better job myself.
This is our little buddy. He thinks he is funny. He gets into everything...literally, as you can see.
Big sister Erin showing him how it's done.

That is it for now. The other pics are more post specific, and I'm off to do other things now.


Erin said...

Peyton is SUCH a cutie!!! I can't believe how much he's changed.
miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Having three kids myself, I had no problems reading Lara's notes! Those are so sweet.

Those are some great pics, too. Do you like your Nikon D40? I've been looking at getting one, I'd love to know what you think of yours.

Unknown said...

Love the notes that Lara wrote. She's doing really well with her writing!

Peyton looks adorable. I can't believe how big he's growing. Your kids are so cute!