March 29, 2007

cheap country living

So I know how much you all enjoyed the play by play of my day. So here is another one....Just kidding. I would not do that to you again.
Slept in today as hubby is on a day off. Hmmm what shall we do today? I think a nice walk at the conservation area next to our home would be fun. The sun is out and I can't believe the weather. I can say that we should get in our nature walks before we move, but we are moving to hundreds of acres of land so that would not make much sense.

I will miss it here though. There are certain aspects of the subburbs that I really enjoy. I like the fact that we have a paved driveway and the neighbors all come over to visit and play. I like walking along the neighborhood streets at night and checking out what everyone is up to. The country will be different. There are not so many neighbors, and walking at night is more of a challenge.
It will also be an adjustment running straight down a country road for miles, as opposed to running past the winding roads and soccer fields of our neighborhood. I think I will have to get a running dog just so I feel safer.

I do like that it only cost us 10.00 to sign Lara up for softball as long as I take a turn at the local bingo. (Yup you heard it first....I am going to be calling out a BINGO!! )

Anyway, stop laughing at me and keep reading.....So the 10.00 is much better than the 100.00 it cost for soccer last year just to find out that Lara cared more about a little boy named Sam than the soccer ball.

I also really really like the idea that a running race will only cost me 5$ instead of 25$, and Adam can do his touch football for cheap.

Ahhhh running again. I can't wait. O.K we are definitely going for a nice long walk today. Even if I have to be pulled in the wagon most of the way. I wonder if I'll be mistaken for a waddling duck by all the locals animals.

Enjoy the sun,

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