December 05, 2008

To Clarify Things

My appologies to farmers in the area ONCE AGAIN...

Robert is a BULL CALF (baby boy calf)...soon to be a STEER (castrated bull).

So... to clarify things....He won't be used to MILK, OR REPRODUCE.

We are raising him up for 2 years or so. Then he will be in our freezer.

So get attached as you want, and then come over for some roast.

Do I have a problem with that? Nope. He will be well taken care of and I will be eating some grass fed, free ranged,yummy beef.

I just won't be around when he 'disapears'.


Unknown said...

Thanks Alyson. Have a good weekend!

tammi said...

Haha, instead of Robert, you shoulda named him DINNER! (That's what friends of ours did when they got two calves for the same purpose and were afraid their kids would get too attached)