September 26, 2007

3 Things about me

I was going to do a post about 13 crazy and/or stupid things I've done in my life but I think some things are better left in the past. Especially my most embarrasing moment which is much better kept to myself. are numbers 3,5, and 7. The others I erased...enjoy

3) I once tried to dye my hair a funky blue because a guy told me he thought it was hot. I bleached my hair and it was ALL DIFFERENT SHADES OF WHITE...then I put in the blue dye and it was ALL DIFFERENT SHAGES OF BLUE...Horrified I dyed it brown to cover it all up and it turned fire engine red. So I chopped it short and lived with it until it grew out.

5) I decided to bike to a campground by myself for the experience of solitude. It was an hour drive but took me 7hrs. It was 100F and when I got there I had a second degree sunburn on my face and shoulders ...I stayed for three days and begged my brother to come pick me up so I did not have to put the backpack back on my shoulders.

7) My girlfriend and I ran naked into a local watering hole with a friend in the middle of the day...just to be crazy. When we ran out to get changed quickly to avoid the blackflies the two people fishing at the other end waved.

Yup....there are 3 things to be proud of kids. It's a good thing you have a smart level headed mother. Someone to look up to and be proud :)


Carey said...

So, did your brother come by and pick you up, or did he make you suffer?
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Hope your having a great day.

tammi said...

Ahhhh, the not-so-proud moments that make us who we are today!! I've got a few of those myself and I have to admit, sometimes I wish I was still that carefree!

Katy said...

ROFL too funny!!!! :)