July 08, 2007

Again I'm coypying an entry from the RBC Daily Bread. I liked it and wanted to share. I find it helps to sit back and take stock of what is really important in life and what you spend your time doing. I had a great conversation with my husband last night about what is important to us for our family and our relationship and I'm glad we took stock of our lives as we live them.

Read Luke 10 38-42

The mayor of a small town in Kentucky stopped mowing his lawn in 2005. He has put up a sign on his property that reads: ''There are more important things in life than tall grass. "

He said that he has several reasons for not cutting the grass, one of which is his wife's death from cancer. That loss caused him to reflect on the priorities of life. He enjoys just sitting in the evenings and observing the wild flowers, squirrels, and birds that are now coming to his yard. A member of the city council remarked. " If he likes it like that, it's fine. I kind of feel like maybe he is right. Maybe there are more important things than mowing grass."

The mayor gives us some food for thought about priorities. What we do with our time shows what we feel is important. In our Bible reading for today, Martha was ''distracted by much serving" Mary, however, took the time to sit ''at Jesus' feet " and listen to His teaching. Perhaps she realized that she wouldn't have many more opportunities to learn from Jesues.

Sometimes responsibilities like washing dishes, mowing the lawn, or working extra hours on a project need to wait so we can spend time with the Lord or family or friends. That may be what's more important.

For us Christians Helping someone in Jesus' name is our most important work for the day. For me that may be spending extra time with my kids reading a story and leaving the laundry in the dryer. Moving to the country has allowed me to slow down. Sit outside in the morning with my kids and enjoy the sun coming up instead of running around. As my work load piles up and I can see the dust accumilating on the shelves I do need to remember what is important. I stay home to nurture my kids...not keep a spotless house. That is hard of course as I do like to keep a clean home. I just need to remember balance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on again! It took me a lot more years than it took you, to learn this.