October 13, 2012

From Beekeeping to Cheese Making!

 I now have my bee suit in my possession. I just love it, and I'm loving getting ready for our bees this coming summer.  There is not much more for me to learn other than read a few more books and watch the beekeepers winter their hives.

So now I'm moving onto cheese. Today I took my first cheese making course and it was amazing. I am so blessed to be surrounded by like minded people who have years of experience.  I am doubly blessed they are willing to share their knowledge with me.
 Today we made Mozzarella, and this is what it looked like! I planned on taking pictures throughout the day, but got caught up in the doing and learning part.

I have a LONG way to go before I am set up and knowledgeable enough to make all our own food, but I am on my way.  One step at a time. One step closer to our goal. So exciting.

Soon I am hoping to make my own:

Dairy products ( the complete line)
candles and other products,
Lip balm and such
Gluten free products
Veggies (canned and frozen),
products such as ketchup, relish, salsa ect...

So far I can do:

gravy and broth,
some veggies,
butter and whip cream,
and deodorant.

I'm content with one day at a time. 5 years ago I never thought I would have changed and learned so much. I'm excited to see what the next 5 years will do :)


alltheprettythings said...

cheese-making would be very handy...considering the love of cheese in this house!!!! Good luck-you are on your way!

Kaitlin@Homemaker Design said...

*sob* I just found out yesterday that you and Heather were going to go learn to make cheese! I SOOOO want to learn!!! But I already had family coming and couldn't make it - I'm glad the day went well!! I'll just have to learn from you ladies when the time is right! ;)