February 18, 2008

What now?

I was preparing my evening Chamomile and lavender tea Here.....


When I noticed something in my tacky cool cow kettle.

Wow...yup that would be Calcium. I guess we really do need a water softener. That is something I am not used to. Always something to learn here in the country. Sorry...I mean there is always something else to sink money into when you live in an old home.

Oh...and here is a little pic that makes me giggle....Poor Belle. She did not have a chance.


Katy said...

oh no! :( that stinks. That is one thing i do like...we are out of town..but we do have town water....i am not fond of the slight chlorine taste to it..but oh..our well when i lived at home was a PAIN. It had a lot of iron in it. Once, when I was a teen and had gotten highlights in my hair..after i took a few showers, my highlights turned reddish! no joke! LOL (we drank water from a water cooler that my parents had bought and kept fresh water in). Anyway....sorry..i just rambled. I tend to do that. I hope it doesn't cost you a lot to fix that!

BTW..i WISH i liked tea...that tea cup and saucer look so pretty and sweet!!!

LOL....i love that pic of your son..too cute! :) Hope you have a nice evening! :)

Anonymous said...

chamomile and lavender - mmm-m-m-m - nice cup too. Before springing for a water softener, ask me. . . .

tammi said...

Yeah, that's one of the things on our to-do list for someday, as well. It's funny how living in the country can be just as expensive as in the city; only in different ways!

Looks like your Belle has gone the same path as our first Ariel. Munch, munch, munch. Now one eye is missing and most of her painted-on hair has been sucked off! Good thing Peanut's been given 2 replacement Ariels as gifts since then!

happygeek said...

Oh, does that tea ever look good, the crud in your water, not so much. I feel ya, we had that when we lived in a small town, imagine what this is doing to your dishwasher. Grr.

Unknown said...

I think I need to start drinking tea with a pretty teacup and saucer.

Unknown said...

Your tea set is just what every busy mama needs. Even if they put Diet Mountain Dew or Cappuccino in it.